Friday, March 2, 2012

Batman gets "The Spots"

Batman, having rescued a woman from some (forgotten) event at the top of a high-rise (maybe the same building from the previous dream), uses his grappling hook to descend the building. He reenters into the apartment of a shadowy masked villain. He sits at his table, with Batman sitting at the end across from him. Suddenly, he does something that causes Batman to be infected with "The Spots", a disease which causes dots on the skin, resembling small moles, along with mental disorientation. Another guy standing off to the left (identity unknown) is also infected.

Batman returns to his own apartment (somewhere on the upper half of the same high-rise). Meanwhile, Robin is traveling the streets of the city, and starts to notice that many (or most) of the people driving cars are starting to have lots of accidents. Apparently, The Spots has spread quickly through the population. Robin goes to Batman's apartment, where he discovers that Batman has already recovered. Robin hasn't been infected. They figure out that an electromagnetic field projected around the upper half of the building (presumably a device used by Batman for protection or privacy) makes it impossible for The Spots to take root.

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